By March 5
Vote Yes on N
Support our Hospital
Protect our Community
Protect Local Healthcare
Stand Up for our Hospital

Measure N

Vote yes on Measure N! Locally Controlled Funding for Local Hospital Improvements. Watsonville Community Hospital has an improvement measure on the March 5, 2024 ballot. Measure N will be used to finish the job of saving our local Hospital. 


Measure N would be used to renovate the aging emergency room, upgrade vital equipment like X-Ray, MRI and CT scanners, and fix leaky roofs, old plumbing and inadequate electrical systems. Also, if the measure passes, the hospital would save $3 million a year it currently pays in rent to an Alabama-based real estate company.


Measure N will:

  • Expand and renovate the emergency room, nearly doubling its size, to provide better emergency care and meet the growing needs of our community
  • Upgrade imaging systems including X-rays, MRI, and CT scanners
  • Purchase the Watsonville Community Hospital property to save $3 million a year in rent payments, which could then be used for doctors, nurses and enhancing healthcare services
  • Repair or replace several aging building systems, such as plumbing; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, and replacing the aging roof
  • Modernize the healthcare facility to provide additional services, so patients don’t have to travel to other hospitals to get the care they need


Funding from Measure N would allow the hospital to purchase the property, meaning local control, and the money saved could go to support nurses, doctors and adding more patient services.


Measure N would include required fiscal accountability protections, including:

  • All funds could only be used to upgrade and improve our local hospital and access to local healthcare
  • Independent citizen oversight and public spending disclosure would be required
  • No funds could be taken by the State
We need your support!

We need your support!

The campaign to pass Measure N is a local volunteer effort. Measure N requires 66.7% approval to win and we are expecting a close election. No hospital resources may be used to campaign for Measure N, so community support and a robust grassroots volunteer program will be critical to our success. Securing affordable access to local healthcare, and better supporting our talented and dedicated local nurses and doctors is dependent on our supporters giving a few hours of time to this important campaign.

Endorse Our Campaign

Join healthcare workers, local leaders, first responders and community members by adding your name to our list of local supporters! Please fill out your name, a title and organization if applicable, and whether or not you’re endorsing as an individual or organization. 


The campaign to pass Measure N is a local volunteer effort. Every vote will count in this close election! Thank you for volunteering to give a few hours of your time to this important campaign.


Let the world know how much you love Watsonville Community Hospital. Request a lawn sign to show your support for Measure N to protect local healthcare in our community.

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